Research Line 5
Electro-conversion of biobased feeds into valuable base chemicals
Prof.dr. J.H. Bitter, Wageningen University & Research
Projectnumber P17-08 project 5
The aim is to establish the relationships between feedstock properties, catalyst properties, and production characteristics (activity, selectivity and stability) of carbohydrate (starch) based feedstocks in a paired electrolysis cell (i.e. perform useful reaction at both the anode and cathode).
Main deliverables and timing
D5.1. Database for electrochemical conversions (M12+M36) of starch-based feedstocks using known noble-metal electrocatalysts (Pt/C, Pt/TiO2) that links type of feedstock, main product, catalyst and support material, and operating conditions to conversion and selectivity. Data from the research lines on N2 and CO2 conversion will be added as well to have a solid foundation for the future development of paired electrolysis.
D5.2. Mechanistic understanding of the selective oxidation/reduction of C-H, C-O, and C=O bonds in carbohydrate molecules for known and new electrocatalysts. (M36)
D5.3. Catalyst, support and promoter formulations for active, selective, and stable noble metal, non-noble metal electrocatalysts for electrocatalytic conversion of biomass (M12, M36)
D5.4. Demonstration of paired electrocatalytic conversion of biobased feedstocks into base chemicals in a flow cell at the lab-scale. (M24-M48)

Dr. J. Creus Casanovas
Postdoctoral Researcher
M.P.J.M. van der Ham
Ph.D. Candidate